Nauka o słowie

Gustave Dore, Boska komedia

"Istnieje wiele szkół Braterstwa. Istnieje wiele dróg do osiągnięcia zwycięstwa. W naszych naukach przekazanych przez Summit Lighthouse pragniemy umożliwić i ułatwić studentom rozszerzenie ich świadomości. Usiłujemy zjednoczyć ciało Boga na ziemi przez ponad wszystko umożliwienie zrozumienia zarówno piękna jak i praktyczności prawdziwej alchemii.

Nie interesuje nas utworzenie stowarzyszenia magików, którzy rozpowszechnią wokół czynienie domniemanych cudówaczkolwiek przyznajemy, że biegły alchemik, nawet po ukończeniu tylko tego kursu, jest w stanie je czynić.

Interesuje nas, aby nasi studenci stali się członkami uniwersalnego braterstwa, które już istnieje duchowo jako Wielkie Białe Braterstwo. Zakon ten, niewidzialny, którego członkami są alchemicy Ducha, wymaga współdziałania z wcieloną ludzkością.

Bo tylko poprzez to współdziałanie jesteśmy w stanie sformułować najpiękniejsze, wzniosłe duchowo pojęcia, które umożliwią całemu światu odetchnąć powietrzem wolności i tchnąć w niego ognie przeznaczeniazarówno indywidualnego jak i grupowego".

Saint Germain

Dekret 10.00
do Michała Archanioła
(Decree 10.00
to Archangel Michael)

Copyright © 1968, 1980, 2002
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Jam Jest
potrójnym płomieniem

the Threefold Flame)

Copyright © 1967
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Wizualizacja Jam Jest
Światłem Obecności
(I AM the the Light
of the Presence)

Copyright © 1958
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.


Jam Jest
Światłością serca

(I AM the Light
of the Heart)

Copyright © 1967
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Wizualizacja planety Ziemia
Muzyczna medytacja
(Earth with Circle and Sword)
Muzyczna medytacja

Copyright © 1998, 2003
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.


Czakry Serca

(Heart Chakra

Muzyczna medytacja
Copyright © 2003
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.


Myślokształt uzdrowienia
planety Ziemia

with Healing Thoughtform)
Muzyczna medytacja

Copyright © 1998, 2003
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.


" . . . [El Morya] said to me a most profound statement. He said, 'Decrees work because the Solar Logoi have given a dispensation to this planetary sphere and to other lifewaves in the universe. And that dispensation consists of giving to the lifewaves through anointed Messengers the names released by members of the Hierarchy – a grant of light that is as in a sealed reservoir in the Central Sun – the knowledge of the Science of the Spoken Word and the opportunity to call forth light, dispensation, healing and all the things we call forth.'

"So he said, 'Decrees work because a dispensation was given.' But he said to me, 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.' That is a quote from scripture. He explained then that 'Decrees work for those to whom the dispensation is given.'

"Now and then I have proposed to him sending decree tapes to various individuals of the world, such as journalists and others, so they could have an example. Morya has explained to me that 'Those decrees will not work for those who are not walking a path of individual discipleship under God in some form, those who do not have a devotion, those who do not receive upon the contact with that teaching a light, an activation from their I AM Presence and from the great cosmic beings who give this dispensation. Decrees don't work for people who have sworn enmity against Almighty God. They don't work for people who will take the light and use it to harm life and have done so in previous incarnations.'

"He explained to me that 'There is a period of opportunity for all who come in contact with our Teachings by securing books wherever they are sold. Those people may be given a month, a year, decades or a whole lifetime to give those decrees and to experiment with them. And those decrees will be answered because of the 'Umbrella Dispensation' governing the planet. But there will come a time in the life of the individual when, unless in the using of those decrees he is serving the Light, he may lose the opportunity to receive the answer to his call.'

"For decrees to work to the fullest opportunity and promises given all the way to the path of the ascension, the Word must be accomplished by works. And as you study the Scriptures and you study the Teachings you will see that the alchemy of God has decreed that we first tear down before we build. You are potential prophets, this is what God did to his prophets – those who speak the truth in his Word first tear down and then build.

"So this process aught to be going on simultaneously. Decrees don't work when the individual comes to the wye (Y, the place of decision between two paths) on a path of initiation. He will not choose the right-handed path, he chooses the left but wants to be able to embody the not-self and have all of the reinforcement of the forces of hell, aliens, all these –the Nephilim gods and their scientific achievements. He wants that reinforcement, he himself wants to be a God, but he will not (he chooses not to) become a God in manifestation by surrender. He will not go through the heart of the living Christ to realize his God-identity.

"So this person desires the best of both worlds. When that individual then calls to the light, but has chosen to live with and to embody his dweller, his decrees will not work for him. The right hand of God descends and says: 'Thus far and no farther, you shall not tread upon the Holy of Holies."

Elizabeth C Prophet
August 20,1988

Dekrety Fioletowego Płomienia
MiłośćPodstawa Ery Wodnika

Archanioł MichałKsiążę Archaniołów

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