The Great White Brotherhood

The Teacher by Nicholas Roerich

" . . . I ask you to become diligent in combing the earth for facts, for figures, for names.
Do your research carefully, for although we may see—by the fullness of the crystal ray,
the mighty X ray, the All-Seeing Eye of God—that which is acting here, we cannot intercede
unless you make the specific calls. Therefore, these hosts of the Lord, encamped
round about the hillsides of Los Angeles, San Francisco and the chakras of the nations
of the earth, are ready to spring, ready to move, ready to march."—Mighty Victory, June 3, 1979

"Astonishing as it may seem, only twelve realised sages recognized Rama
as a full incarnation of divinity."—Ramakrishna, in L. Hixon: Great Swan, Lassen Pub.,
Burdett, NY, 1992, p. 301

"We are not so much concerned with the physical as we are with the revolution of consciousness beginning at the very core of being, the inner blueprint. When you ask for healing God always releases a sacred fire sphere of healing light. It is deposited within your subconscious. As this light begins to flow and cycle through the planes of being it pushes out to the surface unwanted conditions. It is an electrode that is a focus of God's wholeness. Therefore all unlike itself must be uprooted, must be exposed."

November 13,1977

"Here in Darjeeling, we are the followers of the path of Christ and the Buddha which are one. And we follow the byword 'nonattachment to the fruit of action.' This means that we strive for the excellence of Divine Love in all things and leave the rest to God.

"Therefore, we inform you that it is the ritual of effectively challenging the liar and the lie whereby you will earn your ascension. And when you stand before the Lords of Karma (who are so very real) at the conclusion of this life and you must give answer whether or not you have defended these little ones, the Lords of Karma will not judge you according to whether or not you have accomplished the goal of wiping out planetary Evil—nay, you will be judged by the effectiveness of your effort, by the strength of ritual of your having engaged your energies to counteract the fallen ones.

"Witness my own embodiment as Thomas More.

"I was well aware of the fact that I would not undo the edicts of the king, nor the separation of the Church of England from the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was well aware that my voice would simply be the testimony of righteousness—not of a righteous man but of a righteous God. For, I do not count myself a righteous man but the instrument of the One who is Eternal Righteousness.

"And so, beloved ones, the infamy of the decisions of Henry VIII has continued, multiplied and spawned, as error is wont to do in a corruptible milieu; but the voice of one who chose to be the voice of God remains as the clarion call of a trumpet.

"And the moral of the story is that whereas by and by I entered into the ritual of the ascension at the conclusion of the Divine Plan for my incarnations on earth, those who valued their lives, their paltry positions, even their flesh, are yet evolving; and I might say that whether or not they indeed are evolving Godward is questionable."

El Morya
Lords of the Seven Rays

" . . . As great revolutionaries, single-minded in heart and purpose, have turned the tides of nations, as communities have held the Light in the darkest hours of the Earth, so in this moment know that the Great White Brotherhood yet looks to this community to hold back the tide of laggard evolutions before the incoming Light of each one's Christed Presence that shall shine as the sun, become the Central Sun Magnet focus in the Earth and truly hold the balance against that karma which is returning upon the Earth.

" . . . It is important that there be forthcoming in the revolution in higher consciousness a true understanding of the sacred fire as the nexus of the figure eight through which all must pass. Thus the trial by fire comes in the physical, the mental, the emotional, the etheric bodies. And all must pass through that sacred fire: that which is placed in the flame then is liberated to return to the Great Central Sun of the I AM Presence to be recharged and sent forth for the new birth of that soul.

" . . . One's survival depends upon one's acknowledgment of oneself as a fiery, spiritual being, truly a spirit-spark and a continuum that has always lived in the past and shall always live in the future—except by free-will that one chooses to cancel out the self through the denial of the Light and the God and the Truth in that very place of identity.

" . . . I tell you, beloved hearts, my heart is determined that this Master [Saint Germain] shall not suffer setback any longer by condemnation or by media or in any form, but that his chelas and his activity, his books and his Teaching shall be known throughout the continents."

March 31,1985

"That which seems to be the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next."—John Stuart Mill

Universities of the Spirit
Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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